Jordan Odds: 1:1,665
PSA population 1 of 11 as of 12/8/2021.
About 1995-96 Finest Refractor
Parallel to cards 1-110, 141-250 and 252, Refractors were randomly inserted into first and second series packs at a rate of one in 12. For the first time ever, Topps decided to randomly seed entire 24-pack boxes full of refractors into their cases. The insertion ratio of these refractor hot boxes is one in every 450 boxes. None of the regular issue first series Rookie Cards (111-139) were given parallel Refractor cards, thus the first series is complete at 110 cards. In addition, card #251 does not exist, thus the second series set is complete at 111 cards.
The Magic Johnson card (#252) was inserted into one in every 216 packs, making it approximately six time easier to pull than other second series Refractors. Refractors are distinguished from the basic cards by their rainbow-like appearance that refracts more light. Just like regular issue cards, each refractor comes with a protective coating to protect the card from wear and tear.
Cert Number | 27000425 |
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